March 2021: GS Theaters in 2019-2020

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Special Report: Giant-Screen Theaters in 2019-2020

Imagination Station

This year’s report details openings, conversions, closures, and other changes to the worldwide inventory of GS and IMAX theaters. One new institutional theater opened (briefly, before being temporarily closed for Covid) — at Imagination Station in Toledo, OH — but three others closed permanently, and others that are now “temporarily” closed may follow.

Coronavirus Update

As of early March, 91 non-multiplex giant-screen theaters were open worldwide, 43% of the total of 211. This is down from the 96 we reported as being open in mid-December. Thirty-nine institutions with GS theaters have opened their facility to the public, but have not reopened their theaters.

LFX Looks Back: The Making of Pandorama, October 2000

Pandorama: Head

LF Examiner continues its retrospective of 24 years of publishing with this article about one of the most unusual giant-screen films ever made: Pandorama by Nina Paley. She describes how she made the camera-less three-minute film literally by hand, every frame drawn directly on blank or reused film stock.

The full story is reprinted in full here.

Adopt Pandorama!

The only release print of Nina Paley’s hand-drawn three-minute GS film Pandorama (2000) needs a good home.

The print was part of Extra-Large Shorts, a feature-length compilation of shorts created in 2005 by Ingrid Lae of Science World in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lae tells LFX that she is in the process of returning all of the other elements of the program to their owners, but Paley says that since she couldn’t do anything with the print, she’d prefer to donate it to a 15/70 theater that might occasionally screen it.

The theater that accepts the print will have the unrestricted right to screen it without royalties (although Paley gratefully accepts donations from exhibitors or audience members). The sound track is currently on 35mm mag film.

Interested parties should contact her at [email protected].

The Biz: Headlines

  • Imax Corporation reports FY 2020 loss of $112 million
  • Christopher Nolan‘s Tenet opens in 15/70 in New York City
  • Ian McLennan honored: street named for him in Edmonton, AB
  • Imax CEO Richard Gelfond expects strong rebound for theaters
  • Backyard Wilderness wins Jackson Wild award

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